February 3, 2020
Sunshine on my birthday is my favorite gift! What’s your favorite gift to get? What’s your favorite gift to give?
Read MoreFebruary 2, 2020
What is something you used to enjoy doing that you haven’t done in years? Can you take a little time this week to indulge yourself, even if just for a few minutes?
Read MoreFebruary 1, 2020
Good morning and happy February! Feeling excited because this is a Leap Year! That means we have a bonus day in 2020 and it’s on a Saturday! I’m calling it “Leap and the Net Will Appear Day”. Who’s with me? On February 29, 2020, how might you step out in faith, in a small or…
Read MoreJanuary 30, 2020
Good Thursday morning. Hope you’re having a good day wherever you are. What are you thankful for today?
Read MoreJanuary 29, 2020
Sending you warm fuzzies this morning
Read MoreJanuary 28, 2020
Today’s post is brought to you by the sense of hearing. When you are feeling uninspired by weather conditions and familiar sights, how might you bring your other senses into play? Today I noticed sounds: crows, woodpeckers, and lots of of other birds busy at work in the woods. Grateful for the birds that stick…
Read MoreJanuary 27, 2020
Just a post to say, if you’re reading this, please know that I care about you, I appreciate you, and I wish you the best day ever, every single moment. “Appreciate” is really an action verb. Who can you actively appreciate (value, respect, prize, cherish, treasure, admire) today?
Read MoreJanuary 25, 2020
How might you indulge your inner artist, inner child, inner hippie…your SOUL, if you stop giving a flying fig what others think about you? (Serious question)
Read MoreJanuary 24, 2020
Some days I have to look a little harder for inspiration. On this flat, gray morning, I noticed that when color is removed, it’s the textures and patterns that make the view interesting. What new textures and patterns can you notice today in your familiar surroundings that you usually don’t see?
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